Barbara Kiviat

Peer-reviewed publications

The Moral Affordances of Construing People as Cases: How Algorithms and the Data They Depend on Obscure Narrative and Noncomparative Justice
Sociological Theory

Deciding between Domains: How Borrowers Weigh Market and Interpersonal Options
Social Psychology Quarterly

Which Data Fairly Differentiate? American Views on the Use of Personal Data in Two Market Settings
Sociological Science

The Moral Limits of Predictive Practices: The Case of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
American Sociological Review

The Art of Deciding with Data: Evidence from How Employers Translate Credit Reports into Hiring Decisions
Socio-Economic Review

Disparate Impact? Race, Sex, and Credit Reports in Hiring

Forced Relocation and Residential Instability among Urban Renters
Social Service Review

Other publications

Credit Scoring in the United States
Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter

Review of Underwater: Loss, Flood Insurance, and the Moral Economy of Climate Change in the United States, by Rebecca Elliott
American Journal of Sociology

Review of Values at the End of Life: The Logic of Palliative Care, by Roi Livne
British Journal of Sociology

Review of Beyond Our Means: Why America Spends While the World Saves, by Sheldon Garon
Public Administration Review

U.S. Unemployment Insurance: Explaining Welfare State Expansion in an Era of Retrenchment
The Wagner Review

The Town That Wal-Mart Left: How Livingston, Alabama Fought for—and Lost—Its Most Important Store
Columbia Journalism School master's thesis

Going Against the Record: How Algorithms Shape the Way Landlords Make Exceptions for Bad Background Checks
Working paper

White papers

From Financial Literacy to Financial Action
McGraw-Hill Research Foundation

How Do Employers Use Credit Reports in Hiring Decisions- And How Can the Process Be Improved
Scholars Strategy Network

Employers’ Use of Credit Reports in Hiring and Employment: What are the Disparate Impacts on the Economically Vulnerable and How Can They Be Addressed?
W.K. Kellogg Foundation